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FLOCHROM Lohexol in Serum / Plasma
GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) reflects the speed of the plasma glomerular filtration through renal glomeruli and quantitatively estimates the kidney function. Kidney failure symptoms appear only when the patient has almost totally lost his renal function. The most common used parameters, as creatinine, urea and urine specific gravity, may not appear altered until the end-stage renal disease has been reached. They are not considered enough sensitive indicators, especially in people suffering of obesity, anorexia or in organ transplant recipients. Being Iohexol eliminated only through renal way, plasma clearance is a valid and more sensitive method than creatinine clearance and it is considered the reference method of GFR calculation.
FLOCHROM Mitotane / DDE in Plasma
Mitotane, an analogue of DDT insecticide, is the drug of choice for unresectable, metastatic or recurrent adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) and, due to high rates of recurrence, it is also suggested as adjuvant therapy after tumor resection. The antitumor effect of Mitotane is related to the maintenance of adequate plasma drug levels. Monitoring the plasma concentration of Mitotane during treatment allows the most rapid achievement of the therapeutic level (14-20 μg/ml), as well as the minimization of adverse effects due to an excessively high plasma level. Intra-adrenal metabolic transformation is essential for the therapeutic effect of Mitotane, which is metabolized in DDE and DDA. Long-term follow-up studies suggest that DDE plasma concentration is closely related to improvement and clinical remission.
FLOCHROM® Catecholamines Urine
Elevated urinary Catecholamine values are specific biomarkers of pheochromocytoma. Moreover, elevated levels had been found in patients affected by neuroblastoma and other neuroendocrine tumors. Urinary Catecholamines assay is very useful for the therapeutic monitoring.