Hipro Sampler

A quantitative capillary is fixed at the side of the bottom of the integrated sampler which can suck sample automatically by siphon principle. It can minimize human error and replace the conventional pipettor by its simple and rapid operation.
The capillary adopt Surface siliconizing, ion permeation technology, sample cutting design, hydromechanics design
The reagent injection adopt Dual-piston structure design, physical defoam,3 deceleration zones , aerodynamic design.
Features of the sampler: integrated multi-sample sampling and sample injector unit, accurate quantitatively sampling, less sample required, easy to operate, no other auxiliary tools needed, globally original “one step” test method, 9 points calibration, perfect transfer of lab curve, calibration for each lot of reagent, long-term stability of reagent.
All these features enable our products to be smart, simple, rapid, accurate and sensitive with low cost, which make the large equipment miniaturized, operation simplified, and result rapid.
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