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Nano-Check PCT

Nano-Chek PCT
Procalcitonin (PCT) is the precursor of calcitonin (CT), a hormone involved with calcium homeostasis. The level of PCT elevates in the blood stream in response to a pro-inflammatory stimulus originating from bacteria. PCT can be a useful marker for the early diagnosis of systemic bacterial infection and sepsis.
Technology: Immunochromatography
Turn Around Time: 15 minutes
Sample Type: Whole Blood, Plasma, or Serum
Volume of Sample Required: 80 μl
Storage: Room Temperature (2-30 ℃) S
helf Life: 15 months
Package: 20 test cassettes / box B
ox Contents: 20 test cassettes, 20 micro pipettes, 1 instruction manual
Catalogue No.: CD7155
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